Design information

The ball bearing tables show the dimensions of the myonic miniature ball bearings d, D, B (Bf), Li, Lo, r max and h min.

d = inner diameter
D = outside diameter
B = Width of the ball bearing rings
Li = minimum permissible shoulder diameter of the housing seat
Lo = maximum permissible shoulder diameter of the shaft
r max = maximum permissible rounding radius of the shaft or housing seat
h min = minimum permissible shoulder height of the shaft or housing seat

The following should be avoided:

Larger radii than r max and lower shoulder heights of the retaining ring than h min. Consequences: axial position not stable, risk of deformation for the ring.

Shoulder and retaining ring lower than h min. Consequences: same as above.

Shoulder diameter De of the housing seat smaller than Li. Consequences: Housing shoulder contacts the inner ring.

Shoulder diameter De of the shaft greater than Lo. Consequences: Shaft shoulder touches the outer ring.

Please note the following:

In particular, the values Li, Lo, r max and h min should be strictly adhered to. The following illustrations show how ball bearings should normally be fitted or removed.

If it is unavoidable for design reasons that the shoulder height is too small, a ground thrust ring should be inserted between the shoulder and the ball bearing.
Special care is required when fitting and removing radial bearings in order to prevent any transmission of force via the shaft to the bearing at the other end of the shaft.
In addition, the ball bearing should be protected from the ball bearing being installed so that the balls are not subjected to any load or impact.
The load must act directly on the ball bearing ring that is being installed or removed. A load transfer across the ball set must be avoided. For this reason, intermediate rings 1 should be inserted to facilitate removal. If such spacer rings cannot be used, grooves should be machined into the shoulders of the housings or shafts so that special tools can be inserted for removal.

Damage due to incorrect handling

Track damage due to overrolling of foreign particles

Lack of lubricant

Raceway overloaded